December Blog - Happy Holidays!

Are you better at keeping New Year's Resolutions than most? I'll share some data and extend Christmas wishes, but first, I'll confess a few of my past New Year's Resolutions.
Three years ago I resolved not to use my phone in the bathroom. According to Texting On The Toilet, Cell Phone In Toilet Statistics 2022 ( 3 of 4 Americans do so. If you are a young man you are likely most guilty of this but browsing the data reveals young men are not alone. I was among the majority using my phone on the throne, such as for a little Sudoku or quick email check, but not a call - that would be disgusting wouldn't it? Please tell my youngest son! So I got a head start on that resolution before New Year’s Day, and I've managed to stick with it ever since.
This year, my Resolution was to play 18 full rounds of golf. I was doing well until breaking a bunch of ribs in a biking accident (See my July and October blogs) yet weather permitting later this month, I still hope to complete my 18th round.
But some years I fail. More than once I resolved to have a consistent morning routine that starts with prayer and gratitude, and I’ve been pretty unreliable on that. Or perhaps a weight resolution. I have a poor track record on that too. Yes, I'm not too heavy, but when you read the data on what each pound represents in veins and pressure on joints, it's good to keep an eye on it and not an extra serving of that delicious holiday meal.
So what's the data on New Year's Resolutions? 39% of Americans made 2022 resolutions (Chart: Top U.S. New Year's Resolutions for 2022 | Statista) with the leading resolutions being: Exercise more (48%); eat healthier (44%); lose weight (41%); more time with family/friends (34%) and to live more economically (24%). Another study showed that only 9% feel they are successful in keeping their resolutions. My guess is that you do way better than that. For people with similar goals but no resolutions, their "success rate" was even less, as only 4% after just six months! I read that our British friends are less likely to make resolutions than Americans, but of those that do, health choices were again top of the list and based on self surveys, they do a better job of sticking to their resolutions (but still well below 50%). I did not find data for Canada, but generally those most likely to make resolutions are younger people and women are more likely than men to opt for a health resolution.
So how to keep those resolutions? Consider revisiting my June 2022 blog with Tommy Europe sharing his SHRED philosophy focusing on self-discipline tools. Another option suggested to me by Matthew of Banch Marketing is to consider ideas from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. His suggestions include: make your resolutions appealing; if your goal is to go to the gym 3 times per week reward yourself after with a treat or something else you enjoy to help incentivize the activity and make habits easy to access. For example, if the goal is to floss more, put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror as a reminder. Stanford Professor B.J. Fogg’s book Tiny Habits would be worth considering too. And just one more tip from me, try only one resolution. Think of it as as one to one advice between me and you!
As health is clearly at the top of the New Year's resolution list, why not consider healthy gifts for those still on your holiday list? Here are a few ideas.
- A coupon for a visit with a dietician ( or with a massage therapist (
- An invitation for a spring hike or tickets to go snow shoeing on a local mountain (such a Cypress in West Vancouver
- Exercise equipment - it doesn't need to be expensive, as it can include exercise resistance bands for under $20
- SierraSil Joint Formula14, patented as a Natural Supplement for Osteoarthritis, can be very helpful for those likely to have sore joints or muscles or Leaps&Bounds for their aging canine pal.
You get the idea. Gifts that support health are likely to be appreciated and are available at many different price points.
With Hanukkah and Christmas coming soon, I want to extend greetings from all of us at SierraSil Health for a lovely holiday season. The slowing of work, the family and rest time over the 'holidays' can be a wonderful time, but for some its also a really lonely time. For you this UK web site may be interesting . Please know that those of you who are lonely will be in my thoughts. Some tips, hopefully not trite, include seeking out a friend to visit or going to a popular park to enjoy nature, and also consider going to a worship service. I'm a person of faith and believe there is a God who loves you and that you can reach out to.
Finally, here’s an article from Impact Magazine with holiday activity ideas for a number of cities across Canada . Happy holidays and know that you are appreciated.