Ode to Mums

There are 3 mums in my life. My own mum of course, who recently turned 94. My mother-in-law Heather who is still spry in her 80s. And my wonderful wife, mum to five children including our 4 adult men and our late daughter who lived only a few hours. I'm honouring them because Mother's Day is coming up May 12. But first I'd be remiss if I did not note for those of you whose mum has passed, or who have lost or never had connection with their own mum, my heartfelt condolences to you.
The love of a mum for children is truly something special. We all know the wisdom, "Never get between a mamma bear and her cubs". The same may be true for the human mums that I know. There is nothing they wouldn't do for their children, and that love never departs.
As I reflect on my own mum, she is very dear to me, but the sailing wasn't always smooth in our relationship. For example, she would nag me to wear boots to school on those raining Vancouver winter days - but do you know how uncool that was? So the boots got stashed near our garbage cans, safe to retrieve before I came in the back door. Happy memories include wonderful road trips, some multi-day to places like Palm Springs, Colorado Springs and Prince Rupert (via Jasper!). Then there were the shorter (but not short) trips with my mum and siblings crammed into an Oldsmobile station wagon, headed to the Okanagan for summer holidays. My dad would join in his sportier car on weekends, but not in the jam packed family car.
My mum grew up without a dad. She lost him in an accident when she was about 6 years old and she may have grown closer to her older siblings than to her mum, yet she remained loyal to her mum, visiting her almost daily in her waning years. Some of my mum's loyalty, sporting nature and perhaps frugality have been passed onto me, and no doubt she was a positive influence on my dad who tended to be a little flashier in his tastes.
In the last few months, my mum has lost her independence, needing support to carry on. But she has maintained her humour and at times her feistiness during her best moments!
My mother-in-law Heather once earned the nickname "Hurricane Heather" for her ability to balance a professional career, initially in real estate and later in medical practice management, with energy to spare for her family. When my wife Lesley and I had young boys, Heather and her late husband Clem, would take our young boys on Friday nights, giving Lesley and I a welcomed date night! Heather is still activity in the community, volunteering at VanDusen Gardens (in Vancouver) and helping neighbours in the apartment building she moved to a few years ago.
My wife Lesley, has been a remarkable mum to our children who are now, aside from our daughter who lived but a few hours, grown men, one with his own family. Lesley has also been very kind to her mum and my mum. I'll never forget a few nights ago, visiting my mum and seeing how tender and extraordinarily beautiful Lesley was in kindness for my mum.
Mums are amazing!
I hope you get a chance to celebrate your mum and/or your mother-in-law this coming Mother's Day, Sunday May 12. Happy Mother's Day!