Manufactures Night at UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Hosted by the Lamda Kappa Sigma Fraternity – Wednesday March 13th 2019
There’s always more to education than in the classroom; hence, why we were delighted to be invited to the 2019 Manufactures Night at UBC. After last year’s enthusiasm from the students to learn, educate and keep up with modern advancements in the pharmaceutical sciences world, we were excited about returning to UBC. Meeting the 200+ future pharmacists of our community, engaging and enlightening them on our story, products and research.
The evening allowed pharmacy students to engage with over 20 manufactures in the industry. Promoting education and professional development, getting to expand their knowledge on various companies, products, research and meeting with people in the industry.
The evening began with a welcome speech from the Associate Professor and Executive Director of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty; Dr. Kerry Wilbur followed by the LKS Co-Presidents, and Manufactures Night Coordinators. Students were broken into groups for a manufacture rotation period, allowing us to present to a group of students for 7 minutes at a time. Each group session was wrapped up with a question, upon which the person with the correct answer would receive a raffle ticket and enter into a draw for the winning of the manufactures hampers. We targeted our questions as if we were a customer like you, coming into the Pharmacy or Natural Health Food Store and having a question on SierraSil! This helped keep the students engaged, because who doesn’t want to win a hamper full of goodies!
Students were given free time to go back to the manufactures they were particularly interested in and ask questions, allowing them to obtain a deeper understanding. Many of the students came back to SierraSil to learn more about our Human Clinical Research Studies. We thrive on being an ethical company and having data to back up what we say. The students got to learn a lot about our products. They were particularly interested in our Joint Formula Curcumin product and Pain Relief Topical Spray, both acting as a hot topic of the evening. Some of the students had informed us they had just studied Curcumin this week in lectures. We also found out, not only had the students attended Manufactures night that evening, but some also sat an exam that very same day! Telling us how their wrists were sore from writing as fast as they could to complete the exam, others saying their backs were sore from sitting hunched over their books in preparation for the exam. This is where our demo Pain Relief Topical Spray came in really handy for them! Having students coming running up to us, looking for a sample to try out there and then. We received a lot of “this is a magical spray!”, “my pain is gone”, “this really works!” and “where can I buy this?”. Putting smiles on all our faces.
The evening finished up with the raffle and closing remarks from the organizers, ending the manufactures 2019 evening.
We thoroughly enjoyed the evening, engaging with our future pharmacists. Sharing our joy of healthy active living. We at SierraSil want to make a difference in people’s lives, allowing everyone to enjoy life to the fullest, helping individuals to become more active and healthy again.