After hosting the popular morning show for over 4 years, The New AM 740’s beloved Norm Edwards has moved back to his familiar afternoon show, fittingly named Afternoon Express. As he states, “We keep you moving, even if you’re stuck...
Jon McComb has been on CKNW for more than 30 years and has been instrumental in building CKNW into the position of Vancouver’s news and opinion leader. Respected, smart and passionate, Jon is tough but empathetic and will tackle any...
Roy Green’s resume is outstanding. He is a three time consecutive winner of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters national Gold Ribbon award, Canada’s most prestigious broadcast award. Listeners need not read his resume to know that Roy is a passionate...
Didn’t try it yet. I have to finish my previous one. I would be very curious to know the difference between the one with glucosamine and the one without it. Thanks
I think that it is helping. I have lost cartteledge in my knee, so I am not sure how much it will be able to do to relieve the pain, but there does seem to be some improvement.
I had stopped Joint Formula 14 for a couple of months and tried other Joint pills. I was still in a lot of pain. After starting Joint Formula 14 again after four days I started to notice the pain lessening. The pain level has diminished quiet a lot and I can now lift my arm and bend my knee without the severe pain I was having.