As you get older, having healthy joints can help you maintain increased mobility. Although you may not be able to totally avoid injuries or health concerns such as arthritis, you can take steps to protect your joints starting today.
Cooler temperatures, combined with diminishing sunlight, could dampen your spirits to continue on your fitness journey. Of course, there are many dyed-in-the-wool workout fanatics who enjoy the wet, soggy and sometimes snowy conditions, and yet every person willing to venture outside their comfort zone will find an intoxicating invasion of the senses awaits them. The unique set of challenges, including inclement weather, slippery terrain and sudden drops in temperature goes with the territory.
Is joint inflammation and the associated decreased range of motion slowing you down? Are you finding stairs hard on your knees and hips? Regular exercise leading to chronic pain? SierraSil’s family of products has something for everyone and may be...
Did you notice that holiday and Christmas decorations came early this year? It's not all that surprising, given that opportunities for joy have become even more important throughout this pandemic. My wife and I usually have enough restraint not to untangle the outdoor lights until after US Thanksgiving. Yet there we were, on the afternoon of Remembrance Day (US Veterans Day), joining a trend that hit the news before November was done - people getting their Christmas lights up early. So in the spirit of stringing things together, I hope you'll be encouraged and brightened by the following connections as I string some thoughts together!
For most of us in Canada, the weather is either already quite frightful or it’s getting there. It's the shorter days and chilly drafts that making curling up and warming our bones by the fire such a pleasure. Better yet...
Didn’t try it yet. I have to finish my previous one. I would be very curious to know the difference between the one with glucosamine and the one without it. Thanks
I think that it is helping. I have lost cartteledge in my knee, so I am not sure how much it will be able to do to relieve the pain, but there does seem to be some improvement.
I had stopped Joint Formula 14 for a couple of months and tried other Joint pills. I was still in a lot of pain. After starting Joint Formula 14 again after four days I started to notice the pain lessening. The pain level has diminished quiet a lot and I can now lift my arm and bend my knee without the severe pain I was having.